Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adorning The Body With Tiffany Jewelry

She looked back at him once and shook her head.
Pass the Pilar before you cross the road, Robert Jordan said to Maria.
Then he was looking through the thinning trees and he saw the oiled dark of the road below and beyond it the green slope of the hillside. We are above the culvert, he saw, Tiffany Necklaces and just below the height Tiffany Money Clips where the road drops down straight toward the bridge in that long sweep. We are around eight hundred yards above the bridge. That is not out of range for Tiffany Key Rings the Fiat in that little tank if they have come up to the bridge.
Maria, he said. Pass the Pilar before we reach the road and ride wide up that slope.
She looked back at him but did not say anything. He did not look at her except to see Tiffany jewelry that she had understood.
_Comprendes?_ he asked her.
She nodded.
Move up, he said.
She shook her head.
Move up!
Nay, she told him, turning around and Tiffany Earrings shaking her head. I go in the order that I am to go.
Just then Pablo dug both his spurs into the big bay and he plunged down the last Tiffany Cuff Links pine-needled slope and cross the road in a pounding, sparking of shod hooves.

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