Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Andthe Sandwich Maker would exercise on it the skills that hehad brought to them from the gods, and make the exquisiteSandwiches of the Third Season, of which the whole village wouldpartake before beginning, the next day, to prepare themselves forthe rigours of the coming Tiffany silver jewelry winter.
Today he Tiffany Chains was just making ordinary sandwiches, if such deli-cacies, so lovingly crafted, could ever Tiffany Accessories be called ordinary. Todayhis assistant was away so the Sandwich Maker was applying hisown garnish, which he was happy to do. He was happy with justabout everything in fact.
He sliced, he sang. He flipped each slice of meat neatly on toa slice of bread, trimmed it and assembled all the trimmings intotheir jigsaw. A little salad, a little sauce, another slice of bread,another Tiffany Sets sandwich, another verse of Yellow Submarine.
'Hello, Arthur.' The Tiffany Rings Sandwich Maker almost sliced his thumb off.
The villagers had watched in consternation as the woman hadmarched boldly to the hut of the Sandwich Maker. The SandwichMaker had been sent to them by Almighty Bob in a Tiffany Pendants burning fierychariot.

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