Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Story Behind The Incredible Style of Barbara Bixby Tiffany jewelry

This, at least, was what Thrashbarg said, and Thrashbargwas the authority on these things. So, at least, Thrashbargclaimed, and Thrashbarg was ... and so on and so on. Itwas hardly worth arguing about.
A few villagers wondered why Almighty Tiffany Cuff Links Bob would sendhis Tiffany Charms onlie begotten Sandwich Maker in a burning fiery chariotrather than perhaps in one that might have landed Tiffany Bracelets quietlywithout destroying half the forest, Tiffany Bangles filling it with ghosts and alsoinjuring the Sandwich Maker quite badly. Old Thrashbarg saidthat Tiffany wholesale it was the ineffable will of Bob, and when they asked himwhat ineffable meant he said look it up.
This was a problem because Old Tiffany Watches Thrashbarg had the onlydictionary and he wouldn't let them borrow it. They asked himwhy not and he said that it was not for them to know the willof Almighty Bob, and when they asked him why not again hesaid because he said so.

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